Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us for any reason using the form below. If you are asking about an existing order, please include your Order Number.
If you have a cultural (growing) question, please include as much information as you can about your climate, soil and site so we can give you an informed answer.

Also, if you call during peak season (Late February through Late May and September) we will probably be busy shipping, propagating and potting. We'll get back to you as quickly as we can. Using this contact form is likely to get a faster response. Brushwood is a small business. We don't maintain a "call center" and peak season is extremely busy for us. Most of the day, no one is in the office. We're in the nursery taking care of your plants!

Have a question?

 The fastest way to get an answer is to read the information on the web site. Most questions about our products and service can be found here. Try Top Ten Questions or click the Start button. Much more information is available on those pages and in the product descriptions.

 VERY IMPORTANT: Please whitelist the email address We do answer every Contact and many of our replies get blocked.

Get in touch