Schizophragma integrifolium var. fauriei
Schizophragma integrifolium var. fauriei is offered in a 3/4 gallon size with free shipping! A truly outstanding cousin to the more common Hydrangea petiolaris, Schizophragma integrifolium has tremendous merit. The foliage is a beautiful grey green with a smooth, soft matte velvety look. The self-clinging stems are strong and the vine is vigorous. Best of all, the flowers are enormous! The dinner plate size corymbs have many small central flowers with teardrop shaped bracts all around the perimeter. Very nice grown up a tree or stone wall! Pruning as desired. Taiwan.
Size: True Gallon
Shipping: Free!
Hardiness Zones: 6-10
Height: up to 50 feet
Bloom period: Spring/Summer
Flower Size: 10-12 inch clusters
Pruning: As desired.